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When Your New Motorcycle Insurance Policy Will Be Legal


Having legal motorcycle insurance is just as important as buying motorcycle insurance that fits your lifestyle and motorbike. While most insurance companies operate on the straight and narrow, there are a few that do not follow state regulations and do not offer coverage that meets minimum requirements. In these cases, what may seem like a great deal can in fact turn out to be something that is of no use to motorcycle rider in the longer term and ends up being a waste of premium dollars. There are a number of factors that go into determining when buying motorcycle insurance equals buying legal motorcycle insurance, as well as details governing just when legal motorcycle insurance becomes active and actually legal to use on the roadways.

The first factor in determining if a motorcycle insurance policy is legal is to determine if it meets state laws. This can be done by contacting the state's insurance commission, which regulates the sale and supply of all insurance within the state's borders. If there is a question about the legality of an insurance quote, the commission can advise a client on whether or not the policy will meet the minimum standards required by the state and if that company is in fact able to operate within the state's jurisdiction. If they are not or if the policy does not conform to the proper standards, it is not legal motorcycle insurance and it should not be purchased. No matter how great a deal it is, if it is not in effect when a driver is on the road because it does not meet the standards required by the state, it is not worth the paper it is printed on.

Even great motorcycle insurance policies do not become legal as soon as they are purchased. A client must determine with an insurance company just when they want their coverage to state, and it will typically begin at midnight on the specified day. This means that if a policy is purchased on a Sunday morning and does not start until Monday at 12:00 AM, an accident that occurs Sunday night will not be covered. Insurance companies are very specific and very concerned about details, and are under no obligation to cover an insured if their policy was not in force at the time of a collision,.

In order to ensure that buying motorcycle insurance goes as well as possible, clients should make sure that the company they are buying from is legally able to operate in their state and that the policy is in force when they begin to ride their bike. This can save both legal and monetary hassles.

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