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Why Motorcycle Insurance Quotes Are More Expensive For Inexperienced Drivers


Motorcycle insurance quotes are more expensive for inexperienced drivers, because insurance companies consider inexperienced drivers a risk. Motorcycle insurance premiums are based on factors that include traffic violations, accidents and age and experience of driver. Statistics show that more motorcycle accidents involve individuals 25 and under with little or no experience. Therefore, if an insurance company agrees to insure an inexperienced driver, the chances are the motorcycle insurance quote will be quite high.

An inexperienced driver and a motorcycle that is new with a high acceleration rate also spell high motorcycle insurance premiums. A new motorcycle that has an engine that is known to accelerate quickly and maintain extremely high speeds is considered a risk by most insurance companies, and in many cases, if the driver is young and inexperienced, the motorcycle insurance may be denied, because the insurance company may feel it is too great a risk. Combine the above with the location of the inexperienced motorcycle owner, and that could result in an even higher motorcycle insurance quote, because a location that is highly populated is considered a risk. The risk is that there are more vehicles on the road; thus, the chance of an accident is higher. This risk filtered in with an inexperienced driver will send a motorcycle insurance premium to an all time high.

An inexperienced driver can help his or her cause by taking a motorcycle safety course and by maintaining an accident free and violation free driving record while still considered inexperienced. When the time is appropriate, the insurance company will review a motorcyclist's driving performance, and will likely reduce the monthly motorcycle insurance premium, if the driver's record is deemed to be outstanding and enough time has passed to put the driver into an experienced category. Although the thought of owning a power horse of a motorcycle seems very appealing to most first time motorcycle enthusiasts, purchasing a bike with a smaller engine will probably be a safe choice, and give the insurance company the impression that you are considering safety first rather than speed. This could be a positive aspect in perhaps lowering a monthly premium -- even though the driver may not have a lot of experience.

The best bet for a new motorcycle owner who does not have a lot of experience is to shop around for insurance companies that offer motorcycle insurance. If you've owned an automobile and are an experienced driver, it may count as points in your favor as far as purchasing motorcycle insurance goes. It might also be a good idea to check with the insurance company that handles your car insurance to see if they offer motorcycle insurance.

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