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Knowing Your Rights When Filing A Motorcycle Insurance Claim


In the event of a motorcycle accident, it's comforting to know that you have insurance coverage. But to ensure that you get the most out of your motorcycle insurance claim, you need to know your rights when filing a motorcycle claim.

The first way to ensure that your rights are preserved in a motorcycle insurance claim is to understand what is covered. This sounds like simple advice, but many times riders assume certain things are covered in their policy when they are not. For example, if your insurance policy only provides coverage for property damages, it will only pay for damage to your motorcycle, no matter what your physical condition as a result of the accident. Knowing what is in your policy when you purchase it as well as when filing a motorcycle claim is key to getting the most out of your policy.

Another way to ensure your rights are preserved during a motorcycle insurance claim is to know what responsibilities your insurer has towards you and your claim. When you file your claim, your insurance company must tell you within a certain number of days whether or not the claim is valid. Your insurance agency also must inform you about the coverage in your policy and what does and does not apply to your situation.

When filing a motorcycle insurance claim, insurers must also not prevent insured riders from hiring an attorney. Any intimidation on the part of the insurer or adjuster is not allowed. Insured riders are expected to meet with adjusters and explain in detail the incident surrounding the claim and answer any questions truthfully. However, if the claimant does want to consult with an attorney, their insurance adjuster cannot prevent them from doing so or intimidate them from seeking counsel. Claimants should know that they can also request a transcript of their statement, and can request copies of any of the documents in their claim file at any point. To ensure that everything in the claim is being taken care of correctly, riders may want to request copies and ask an attorney to review them at low or no cost at all.

It is also illegal for an insurance company to threaten an insured rider with a delayed claim payment if legal assistance is sought. Insured riders are allowed to seek counsel at any point during the claim process without fear of delayed processing or payment.

Filing a motorcycle insurance claim can be a stressful endeavor. But knowing your rights as an insured rider can ensure that you get the most out of your policy and claim as well as avoid being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous insurance companies or adjusters.

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