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How The Environment Plays A Role In Motorcycle Emissions Testing


Motorcycle emissions regulations are an important requirement made of every motorcycle owner. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established threshold levels of emissions that motorcycles must not exceed. Motorcycle owners should make themselves aware of motorcycle emissions regulations and the impact their motorcycles have on the environment.

The EPA has created different emissions testing standards for motorcycles than it does for cards. EPA regulations govern all states except for California, which has created its own rules above and beyond the EPA standards.

EPA motorcycle emissions standards were developed because of the amount of environment-harming emissions produced per mile by motorcycles. Previous to the revision of the motorcycle emissions rules, it was estimated that motorcycles were producing more harmful emissions per mile than some cars and even SUVs. Reducing the emissions improves air quality for the environment and helps protect motorcycle riders from being exposed to air toxins while riding. With smog and ozone depletion a growing concern in cities, emissions regulation is more important than ever.

Many motorcycles can emit more harmful gasses than a car because they lack catalytic converters to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions. Converters are commonplace in car manufacturing, but the technology is still relatively new in motorcycles. Some recent models of bikes do now have factory-fitted and installed catalytic converters, and they are becoming more commonplace in manufacturing.

The EPA has limits set for the combination of hydrocarbon and nitrous oxides as well as carbon monoxide. Motorcycles manufactured from 2006 to 2009 must have less than 1.4 g/km of hydrocarbon and nitrous oxides and less than 12.0 g/km of carbon monoxide. Vehicles manufactured after 2010 have a limit of .8 g/km of hydrocarbon and nitrous oxides and less than 12.0 g/km of carbon monoxide.

In order to make emissions testing easier, all motorcycle manufacturers are required to label their motorcycles with emissions requirements and testing information. Labels must include information on the make, model, engine, fuel requirements and manufacturer, and be permanently affixed to the motorcycle.

Producers of motorcycles manufactured after 2006 are required to get certified by the EPA. This certification includes registering with the EPA, providing information about the type of engine being manufactured and going through emissions testing to ensure that the emissions are below the legal limits. Any manufacturers that do not comply can be fined.

Owners of motorcycles must be careful when customizing their bikes to ensure that they don't interfere with the emissions-controlling aspects of the motorcycle.

Motorcycle emissions are often overlooked when discussing the impact exhaust has on the environment. But motorcycles do contribute an incredible amount of exhaust and harmful toxins, and should be maintained and regularly checked to ensure compliance.

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